• November 17, 2015

    A check-in with Ten Kettles

    It’s been a few weeks since our last post, so I wanted to take a few paragraphs to share what’s been going on around the Ten Kettles space. Our big goals for this season were getting Waay over to iPhone, rebuilding the hearEQ audio engine, and doing some client-work too. With the new hearEQ out and Waay now in Apple’s review queue, we’re really happy with the progress.

    So, what’s next? During the last Beta testing period for Waay, we learned a lot about what people are really looking for, what’s working well with the app, and where we should start experimenting. After the release of Waay 2.0, we’ll be jumping right back into development to take a look at sound effects, alternate lesson structures, and more.

    In fact, the Beta program for Waay has been so successful, we’re planning on doing the same for hearEQ. The sign-ups have already started, and we’re looking forward to starting on some big new changes to the app in the coming months. Want to join the hearEQ Beta program? Get in touch.


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